Changes in insurance premium rates of the Japan Health Insurance Association (JHIA)

Every year, the Japan Health Insurance Association’s premium rates are revised in March and the new rates are applied from April payments. This article covers major points of the new rates for fiscal 2021, which have just been announced.


1. Health insurance premium rates

Health insurance premium rates are reviewed by considering the total revenue from insurance premiums and the amount of expenses required for insurance benefits. Based on estimated revenues and expenses for coming years, the rates have been revised for fiscal 2021. They were either raised or lowered according to the prefecture. For details, please check the following URL.


JHIA’s insurance premium rates for fiscal 2021 (effective in March 2021)


2. Nursing-care insurance premium rates

Nursing-care insurance premium rates are determined by dividing the amount of “long-term care” payments by total renumeration in order to maintain the revenue-expenditure balance for each fiscal year. The rate for this year has been raised from 1.79% to 1.80%, which will be applied in all regions, starting March 2021.


Since the changes in the health insurance rates and nursing-care insurance rates take place in March, companies who pay bonuses in March need to use the new rates in calculating deductions. As for monthly payrolls, the new rates should be applied according to each company’s rule on the timing of social insurance deductions. If your company is a member of a health insurance society, please check the information provided by the society.


[Reference links]

Japan Health Insurance Association

New insurance premium rates for fiscal 2021 are to be applied from March (April payment).


Insurance premium rate table (from March 2021)
