Special measures to extend the payment period of coronavirus employment subsidies until September 20

The government has been providing subsidies for leave allowances paid to workers who are not covered by employment insurance.


The government’s employment stability subsidies to support employers who pay allowances to furloughed employees was due to end on June 30, 2022, but the measure has been extended to September 30, 2022, as in the chart below.


1. <Contents of the special measure>

First date of the assessment period


January, February


Small- and medium-sized companies

Basic measures

4/5 (9/10)

11,000 yen

4/5 (9/10)

9,000 yen

Measures specific to business status or regions

4/5 (10/10)

15,000 yen

Large companies

Basic measures

2/3 (3/4)

11,000 yen

2/3 (3/4)

9,000 yen

Measures specific to business status or regions

4/5 (10/10)

15,000 yen

(Note) The amounts are upper limits per person per day. The proportions in the brackets are in the case the workers will not be dismissed.


2. Harsher punishments for wrongful applications

Names of companies who received subsidies inappropriately will be disclosed. The authorities are also conducting on-site inspections without a prior notice and strengthening cooperation with investigation agencies. Illegal applications for subsidies may be charged with fraud, based on Article 246 of the Penal Code.


3. Measures specific to business status

[Applicable companies]

Companies who report at least 30-percent decline in A in the comparison of monthly average production indexes (sales, etc.) in A and B below.

A: Production index of the three-month period up to the month in which the first day of the Basic Assessment Period belongs to

B: Production index of the same period a year ago, two years ago or three years ago

“Basic assessment period” is a period of three months for which the subsidy is applied.


4. Measures specific to regions

[Applicable companies]

Companies who cooperate in shortening business hours, etc.

Restaurants and event organizers who,

(1) in response to a request from the governor of a prefecture that has areas subject to  a state of emergency or quasi-state of emergency measures (areas designated by the director of employment stability office),

(2) cooperated in closing facilities temporarily, shortening business hours, reducing capacities or limiting visitors, controlling the number of visitors, suspending offering (or allowing visitors to bring in) foods and drinks or suspending karaoke services;

(3) in all of the facilities in the scope of the request;

(4) throughout the period of state of emergency or quasi-state of emergency period.

[Applicable closing or other measures]

Temporary closure of facilities corresponding to the government request during the Basic Assessment Period including the period shown in the following link. (Closure for a short period is included.)


Please refer to the Labour Ministry website for further details. (Japanese only)

Areas and periods of the measure
